
My First Blog Well, this is my first blog. And first thing which I thought is, "How to start and why to start with blogging?" Why do I want to start blogging? There are many things that we face in our day to day life. We come across success and most importantly, the failures.  Success gives you motivation to work even harder and reach your next goal. However, failures lets you learn important lesson in your life, which helps you to prepare yourself for your next goal. Well, my idea to write blogs is for sharing my various experiences, and thoughts through them. Well, you might think, how my experiences are going to help you? Well my friend, learning is never ending and you get to learn from everything and everyone's life, and so from my life and experiences as well.  And ofcourse, you may have your own reason to read and write blogs. How to start blogging? Since I'm not a kind of person who reads a lot of books or a person